Macdonald Resorts Ltd has applied for planning permission to build up to 180 dwellings in the area to the south-east of the Scandinavian Village.
According to the developer’s Supporting Statement:
“These would broadly compriseof two storeys, two, three and four-bedroom houses, and two and three/four storey one and two bed flats. The part of the site immediately south of the Scandinavian village would be utilised by Aviemore Highland Resort to provide onsite staff accommodation to try to address chronic local shortages. Affordable housing would be provided onsite and in particular it is aimed at mid-market affordable rent delivery in discussions with local Registered Social Landlords.“
Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) will decide whether or not this development will be approved.
If you want your view to be taken into account, you must comment directly to CNPA.
You can make your comment on their website here.
This is the site plan, which shows the distribution of dwellings of different types across the site.
This is the location plan which shows the area of the proposed development relative to the surrounding areas.
For more details, see the document provided by the developer in support of their planning application here.
The planning application on the CNPA website can be found here.
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